A clown show is an entertainment show that features clowns and their comedy, juggling, magic and mime numbers.
Clown shows are often presented in circuses, amusement parks, and other entertainment events for children and adults. Clowns can also be hired to entertain at birthday parties and other special events.
Clown shows are generally intended to entertain and make the audience laugh, and can be very fun and interactive. The clown can perform with a magician in children's and adult shows in kindergartens, animate a cabaret show, liven up a Christmas show with jugglers, acrobats, giants, elves, dancers, stilt-walking performers, magicians and others, etc. He can also be a clown magician himself, presenting playful shows with balloon sculpting, funny magic tricks (rabbit in hat, optical illusions, etc.), stumbling dances (penguin dance), puppets, stuffed animals, fables (pirate, witch, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio...), ventriloquism, etc.